Development Application Process

Start your journey to obtaining development approval here. This guide will walk you through the necessary steps to submit your application effectively.
Last updated:
February 2024

Development Application Process

Begin your development journey with us. This guide outlines the steps to apply for development approval, incorporating key considerations from the QEIIMC Trust Master Plan and Design Guidelines to ensure your project aligns with our community and environmental standards.

Step 1: Consult the Master Plan and Design Guidelines

Review the QEIIMC Trust Master Plan and Design Guidelines to understand the vision for development within the area. Ensure your project aligns with these principles for sustainable and cohesive community development.

Step 2: Pre-Consultation with Trust Staff
Begin by filling out the initial contact form, designed to gather basic information about your project. This step ensures our first consultation is tailored specifically to your development needs, allowing us to provide guidance that aligns with your project objectives.

Start Your Project Consultation

Quickly share your project details to tailor our initial discussion to your development goals.

Note: These guidelines refer to the approval process of the building design only. Approval of the design does not qualify the applicant for approval to proceed with a proposal. Legal documentation and other documentation are required by the QEIIMC Trust at given points in the process. Submission to Development Application or Building License cannot proceed until the legal documentation has been agreed in part or full approved by the QEIIMC Trust.

The applicant should seek advice from the QEIIMC Trust at an early stage to clarify any additional requirements on approval processes.

Step 3: Complete the Design Guidelines Checklist
Use the Design Guidelines Checklist to prepare your application. This checklist ensures all aspects of your project, from architectural design to environmental impact, meet our standards.

Step 4: Prepare Your Application
Gather all required documents and complete the application form. Make sure to include detailed plans that reflect consultations with trust staff and adherence to the Master Plan, Design Guidelines, and Landscape Report.

Step 5: Submit Your Application
Submit your application through the designated channel. Our team is here to assist you throughout the process, ensuring a smooth and efficient application experience.

Step 6: Review and Decision
Your application will undergo a thorough review process. Depending on the nature of the application you may need the approval of the QEIIMC Trust board. We will communicate with you for any additional information and to provide updates on your application status.

Our goal is to support your development projects while preserving the unique character and environmental integrity of our area. We look forward to collaborating with you to bring your vision to life.