QEIIMC Design Guidelines

A vision of excellence in healthcare, research, and education, shaping a sustainable, innovative future for our community.
Last updated:
February 2024
QEIIMC Design Guidelines Cover

QEIIMC Trust Design Guidelines

Executive Summary

The QEIIMC Design Guidelines aim to guide the future development of the QEIIMC Campus, ensuring it grows into a world-renowned medical hub in the southern hemisphere. The guidelines promote a performance-based approval framework, responsive design, design excellence, sustainable development, and enhancement of the public realm. They are intended to replace the 2009 QEIIMC Urban Design Guidelines and inform future policy preparation by the QEIIMC Trust.

Document Structure

The guidelines are structured to provide clear direction and objectives aligning with the QEIIMC Master Plan. They encompass building guidelines, public realm guidelines, and a performance-based approach to design evaluation.

QEIIMC Master Plan Document Structure

Relationship to Other Documents

The guidelines align with the Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre Act 1966, the 2019 QEIIMC Master Plan, Western Australia’s State Planning Policy No. 7, the upcoming UWA-QEII Specialised Activity Centre Plan, and other QEIIMC Trust policies.

QEIIMC Master Plan

The QEIIMC Master Plan provides a strategic framework guiding campus development until 2050 and beyond, emphasizing superior healthcare, research, and educational outcomes. The Design Guidelines closely align with the Master Plan's vision and objectives.

Design Review

Design evaluation is a crucial aspect of the design process, especially when dealing with intricate proposals. It involves assessing the design quality of a proposal, typically before submitting a development application. Given the significance of the QEIIMC Campus and the complexity of the proposals received, a formal design review process is mandatory.

Major development proposals of state or national importance must be reviewed by the State Design Review Panel as per the QEIIMC Trust's definition. All proposals for the QEIIMC Campus must adhere to the guidelines and receive approval from the Trust. Other development proposals must be referred to the City of Perth Design Review Panel. The design review process is an integral part of the broader development approval process outlined in the Design Guidelines. It aims to ensure that developments within the QEIIMC Campus meet high-quality urban design standards.

Approval Process

The approval process for development proposals is focused on building design and requires legal and other documentation to be approved by the Trust.

These guidelines refer to the approval process of the building design only. Approval of the design does not qualify the applicant for approval to proceed with a proposal. Legal documentation and other documentation are required by the QEIIMC Trust at given points in the process. Submission to Development Application or Building License cannot proceed until the legal documentation has been agreed in part or full approved by the QEIIMC Trust. The applicant should seek advice from the QEIIMC Trust at an early stage to clarify any additional requirements on approval processes.


Pedestrian entries

It is important to carefully consider the location and hierarchy of multiple entrances for buildings. Factors such as lighting, signage, landscape design, and public art should all be taken into account in order to enhance the overall sense of entry.

Public domain interface

Ground floor signage must adhere to the Trust's signage policies and be positioned behind glazing. Clear, full height glazing on the ground floor is essential to maintain a transparent view inside buildings for passive surveillance. Building services such as cupboards, substations, metre boxes, and booster cabinets should be minimized in extent and obtrusiveness.

Facade design

The selection of façades is crucial in order to harmonize with the existing buildings on the QEIIMC Campus. This can be achieved through careful consideration of materials, colours, and composition. It is important that the chosen materials are long-lasting, sturdy, and maintain their appearance and structural integrity. The design of the building façades should be cohesive with each elevation and frontage. Efforts should be made to minimize the presence of blank walls and external fire stairs in the façade design. Additionally, all cladding materials must adhere to the current National Construction Code and Australian Design Standards to ensure compliance and safety.

Defined corners

Blank walls, services and external staircases will not be supported.

Due to the importance placed on these locations, this may allow for greater height than identified in the Precinct Plans. Any increases in height are subject to the discretion of the QEIIMC Trust Board.

Solar access

Proper integration of shading devices into the design of buildings is essential for effectively controlling the summer sun, rather than treating them as mere additions.

Environmental performance

Applicants have the option to fulfil the criteria outlined in the Greenstar – Design and As-Built for their building. Alternatively, they can choose to meet the requirements specified in the Greenstar – Interiors for the interior of their building. Additionally, applicants may opt to comply with the Greenstar – Performance for the operation of their building. To address energy conservation, the following measures should be taken into consideration: passive design, energy-efficient plant and system design, incorporation of renewable energy where applicable and feasible, utilization of low emissions energy infrastructure with an initial source, followed by carbon offsetting. Furthermore, it is recommended to maximize the installation of rainwater harvesting or stormwater harvesting for all non-potable purposes, both at a building and campus-wide level.

Building Signage

Pole and pylon signage is strictly prohibited. Signage must be adequately illuminated. It is highly recommended to establish communication with the Trust during the initial phases to verify the exact criteria for constructing signage.


Effective design incorporates utilities into the layout of buildings, circulation spaces, outdoor areas, and streetscapes. Failure to address utilities early on may necessitate last-minute design changes, leading to delays and jeopardizing the delivery of essential services.

Blank Walls

Ensure that the materials and finishes used on blank walls are uniform in quality and design compared to the rest of the building envelope. Explore the possibility of extending blank portions of the building envelope around corners to achieve an integrated architectural outcome. Refer to Precinct Plans within these guidelines for specific requirements regarding active frontages.

Water Sensitive Urban Design

Recent research supports the significance of green infrastructure in promoting the long-term economic, social, and environmental sustainability of urban areas. Green infrastructure encompasses various components such as urban forests, water sensitive urban design (WSUD), biophilic and living architecture, green roofs, and green walls. By incorporating green infrastructure into urban environments, it can improve the quality of life, health and wellbeing for people, as well as offer continuous economic and environmental advantages.


The QEIIMC Campus encompasses twenty-eight hectares of land, which includes buildings of heritage significance. Prior to any development on these buildings, it is necessary to engage with the Heritage Council for approval before submitting design work to the Trust.

Public Art

Public art integration should be considered during the building design phase, taking into account the building materials and colours whenever feasible. It is advised to involve the artist early on in a collaborative design process. The placement of public art on Campus should be strategic, enhancing public interaction and aiding in wayfinding. It is recommended to engage with the Trust in advance to discuss design, construction, and location options for future art installations.


The QEIIMC Campus aims to enhance its landscape by implementing a Campus Forest planting approach to increase canopy cover. All applicants must prioritize maximizing the canopy cover to align with this strategy.

To gain a more thorough comprehension and access further information about the Master Planning Project for the QEIIMC Campus, please visit the Design & Guidelines webpage.
