A vision of excellence in healthcare, research, and education, shaping a sustainable, innovative future for our community.
Last updated:
January 2024
Vision and Objectives of the Master Plan
The Masterplan has been formulated with a methodology that takes into account the Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre (QEIIMC) and its surroundings, including the limitations specific to the campus. This encompasses a thoughtful evaluation of the nearby prominent features, natural scenery, and panoramic views to ensure that the Masterplan aligns harmoniously with its setting.
The development of the QEIIMC Master Plan was a meticulous process, involving extensive stakeholder consultation. This inclusive approach ensured that the plan not only reflects the current needs but also anticipates future challenges and opportunities in healthcare, research, and education.
To provide a range of built form outcomes and spatial relationships around the dominant three functions of QEIIMC.
Vision and Objectives of the Master Plan
The QEIIMC Master Plan envisions creating a world-class precinct for healthcare, research, and education. This vision is underpinned by the desire to integrate cutting-edge medical facilities with innovative research and educational institutions, thereby fostering a holistic environment that promotes health, knowledge, and community well-being.
Key Objectives:
To Enhance Healthcare Delivery: Through the development of state-of-the-art medical facilities, the Master Plan aims to elevate the standard of healthcare services provided to the community, ensuring accessibility, efficiency, and patient-centred care.
To Foster Research and Innovation: Recognising the pivotal role of research in advancing medical science, the Master Plan seeks to create an ecosystem that stimulates innovation, facilitates cutting-edge research, and encourages collaboration among scientists, clinicians, and educational institutions.
To Support Educational Excellence: By closely integrating educational facilities with clinical and research operations, the Master Plan aims to provide unparalleled learning opportunities for students and professionals, fostering a culture of continuous learning and professional development. The attractive location and lifestyle available at QEIIMC is promoted to attract international researchers, medical staff and their families.
To Promote Sustainability: A key objective of the Master Plan is to embrace sustainability in all aspects of development, from building design and construction to operational practices, ensuring that the campus remains environmentally responsible and resilient.
To Enhance the Campus Environment: The Master Plan prioritises the creation of a vibrant and welcoming campus environment, featuring green spaces, pedestrian-friendly pathways, and community amenities, thereby enhancing the quality of life for patients, staff, students, and visitors.
To Facilitate Integrated Transport and Accessibility: Understanding the importance of accessibility, the Master Plan includes strategies for integrating public transport options, improving internal circulation, and ensuring that the campus is easily accessible to all.
To Encourage Community Engagement and Partnerships: The Master Plan envisions a campus that engages with the wider community, fostering partnerships with other health, research, and educational institutions, and encouraging public participation in campus life.
By achieving these objectives, the QEIIMC Master Plan aims to establish a dynamic and sustainable precinct that leads the way in healthcare, research, and education, contributing significantly to the well-being of the community and the advancement of medical science.
Comprehensive Master Planning Process and Implementation
Prior to any future development within the QEIIMC campus, it is imperative to explore and implement a variety of strategies as outlined in the Masterplan. This thorough approach is necessary to guarantee that the long-term vision for the campus, spanning 50 years, is carefully crafted with an understanding of the significant factors and consequences involved.
The QEIIMC campus development necessitates the identification of crucial triggers, as outlined in section 9 of the Report and the Phase 3 Implementation Strategy Report. These triggers include the augmentation of built form and population on the campus, addressing areas with inadequate services, and upgrading already well-serviced areas for future development.