Explore the comprehensive by-laws that govern the operational framework and ethical standards at Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre.
Last updated:
January 2024


The Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre (Delegated Site) By-Laws establish the foundational regulations essential for the smooth operation and management of the Centre. These by-laws cover various aspects, including the roles of authorised personnel, access to grounds, traffic control, and the enforcement of rules and penalties. They are crucial for maintaining a safe, efficient, and legally compliant environment, ensuring that all activities within the Centre are conducted respectfully and responsibly. The by-laws provide a structured framework that guides both staff and visitors in their interactions and conduct on the premises.



The Preliminary section introduces the by-laws, laying down their legal foundation and applicability within the Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre. This introduction is  sets the legal context and specifies the commencement date, making it clear when these regulations become effective and binding.

  • Legal status, effective date, and scope of the by-laws.
  • Foundation for governance and regulatory framework within the Centre.


This segment provides detailed definitions of key terms used throughout the by-laws. Clarity in terminology is vital for ensuring that all stakeholders, including staff, visitors, and management, have a common understanding of the rules. This section aids in preventing misinterpretations and inconsistencies in the application of the by-laws.

  • Comprehensive explanation of essential terms.
  • Ensures uniform interpretation and application of rules.

Authorised Persons and Delegation

Roles and Powers of Authorised Personnel

This section elaborates on the responsibilities and authority of individuals designated as authorised personnel within the Medical Centre. It outlines their specific roles, including the enforcement of by-laws, ensuring security, and maintaining order. The extent of their powers, such as the ability to issue directives and take necessary actions to uphold the by-laws, is clearly defined.

  • Detailed description of authorised personnel’s roles.
  • Scope of powers and responsibilities in enforcing by-laws.

Delegation of Powers

The by-laws also cover the process for the delegation of certain powers by the Secretary to other staff members. This delegation is crucial for efficient governance, allowing for flexibility and responsiveness in day-to-day operations. The section sets out the conditions under which such delegation can occur and the limits to these delegated powers.

  • Procedures and conditions for power delegation.
  • Limits and scope of delegated authority for effective management.


Access and Conduct

This section details the regulations regarding access to the Centre's grounds and the expected conduct of individuals while on the premises. It includes guidelines on permissible activities, areas where access may be restricted, and general behavioural expectations to ensure a safe and respectful environment.

  • Rules governing access to different areas within the Centre.
  • Standards of conduct and permissible activities on the grounds.

Maintenance and Prohibited Activities

The by-laws outline responsibilities for maintaining the appearance and safety of the grounds. This part lists specific activities that are prohibited to preserve the integrity and security of the Centre, such as littering, vandalism, or disruptive behaviours.

  • Guidelines for the upkeep and preservation of the grounds.
  • Comprehensive list of activities and behaviours prohibited on site.

Traffic Control

Vehicle Movement and Parking Regulations

This part addresses the rules for vehicle movement within the Centre, including speed limits, adherence to designated roadways, and right-of-way norms. Detailed parking regulations specify the types of parking available, permit requirements, and conditions for their use to ensure efficient traffic flow and accessibility.

  • Specific guidelines for driving and parking on the premises.
  • Emphasis on safety and compliance with traffic regulations.

Alignment with Road Traffic Code 2000

The by-laws align with local traffic laws, particularly the Road Traffic Code 2000. This ensures that the Centre's traffic regulations are consistent with broader legal standards, reinforcing safety and legal compliance for all vehicle-related activities within the Centre.

  • Integration with local traffic laws for consistent enforcement.
  • Focus on safety and legal compliance in traffic management.

Offences and Penalties

Overview of Offences

This section comprehensively lists the various offences that can be committed on the premises of the Medical Centre. It covers a wide range of violations, including but not limited to, breaches of conduct, traffic infringements, and non-compliance with the established rules.

  • Detailed enumeration of possible violations within the Centre.
  • Coverage of both conduct-related and traffic-related offences.

Penalties and Infringement Procedures

The by-laws detail the penalties associated with each listed offence, providing a clear framework for their enforcement. Additionally, the process for handling infringements is outlined, including issuing notices, the appeals process, and enforcement mechanisms.

  • Specific penalties for each type of offence.
  • Procedures for managing and appealing infringements.

General Provisions

Miscellaneous Rules and Responsibilities

This section addresses a variety of additional rules that are essential for the comprehensive governance of the Medical Centre. It includes guidelines on various aspects of Centre management and operations not covered in the previous sections.

  • Various regulations ensuring the smooth operation of the Centre.
  • Additional responsibilities and guidelines for staff and visitors.

Amendment and Interpretation

The by-laws also provide information on the procedures for their amendment and interpretation. This ensures that the by-laws remain relevant and adaptable to changing circumstances and legal requirements.

  • Process for updating and interpreting the by-laws.
  • Flexibility for the by-laws to evolve with the Centre's needs.
